Kings of Winter! 22/23

Since we brought the Obsession back from Kodiak in late November the Kings and Crab have been our primary target. Here are some photo highlights of the winter thus far.

Asian Man holding a King Salmon onboad the Obsession with Point Pogi in the background

This is a photo of the luckiest fisherman I have seen in awhile! At the end of the day, the last line still fishing and no sooner had the words “we are done” left my mouth and then WAMM!! This gentleman hooks a screamer 18lb royal that fought like he was never going to quit. It was nearly 30mins before we got him in the net! GOOD SHOW!


Ash Churchill holding a large winter King Salmon in Eldridge Passage

Ash Churchill with a bruiser King caught on one of the coldest days of December 2022. It was only 8 degrees F when this photo was taken!

This King salmon topped the scales at 24lbs pretty great considering the average is somewhere between 6 and 12lbs for winter kings.

Ash and Katie holding up 3 large Winter King Salmon

Ash and Katie with 3 kings all over 20lbs!

It may have been freezing cold but the fishing was HOT and the kings were freaking toads! 12/10/2022

A deckload of winter king salmon and tanner crab

First load of Kings and Crab of 2023!

The Limits on King Salmon are 2/day with no annual limit for Winter Kings! The limit on crab is 3/day with an annual limit of 20!


A man and a woman holding up a pair of winter king salmon

Valentine Kings!

We picked up these tanks in mid February.

Man holding 2 tanner crab with a silly look on his face



Captain Travis holding up a 30 plus pound King Salmon on the Deck of the Obsession in the Homer Harbor

The Biggest King of the 22/23 winter

Just north of 30lbs this tank fought for a LONG time, over 30 mins and was landed by a 14yr old young man who originally said he would have rather gone snow machining….then he caught this one. GREAT WINTER KING!!!


Springtime 2023


September 2022